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Enchanting Oxfordshire through Dance: The Influence of Toddler Classes

May 25, 2023

Enchanting Oxfordshire through Dance: The Influence of Toddler Classes

Oxfordshire is a county in South East England that is known for its stunning architecture, charming countryside, and vibrant cultural scene. Home to the prestigious University of Oxford, it is a place that attracts tourists from all over the world. However, there is something else that is enchanting about Oxfordshire, and that is its dance community.

Intune Dance and Movement is a dance school that has been making waves in Oxfordshire for its exceptional dance classes. Established in 2010 by Isabella and Gabriella, two passionate dancers with a vision to create a space for dance lovers, Intune has grown to become one of the most sought-after dance schools in the county.

At Intune, they believe that dance is not just a form of exercise but an art that has the power to inspire, transform, and bring people together. With this philosophy in mind, they offer a wide range of dance classes for students of all ages and levels. From ballet and contemporary to street dance and tap, there is something for everyone at Intune.

However, one of the most enchanting aspects of Intune is their toddler classes. These classes are specifically designed for children aged 18 months to 5 years and aim to introduce them to the world of dance in a fun and engaging way.

The Influence of Toddler Classes

The benefits of dance for children are numerous. It helps them develop coordination, balance, and flexibility. It also promotes socialization, boosts self-esteem, and encourages creativity and imagination.

Intune's toddler classes are structured to cater to the unique needs of young children. They use music, props, and storytelling to make the classes engaging and exciting for the little ones. The classes are also designed to help children develop their motor skills, spatial awareness, and rhythm.

But it's not just about the physical benefits. The toddler classes at Intune also place a strong emphasis on emotional development. Through dance and movement, children learn to express themselves and develop a sense of confidence and self-assurance.

Moreover, the classes encourage children to work together and promote a sense of community and belonging. It is not uncommon to see parents and children forming lasting friendships through these classes.

Enchanting Oxfordshire through Dance

Oxfordshire is a place that is rich in culture and artistic expression. From the stunning architecture of its historic buildings to the many music and dance festivals that take place throughout the year, the county is a hub of creativity and innovation.

Intune's dance classes are just one of the many ways in which the county is enriched by the arts. By offering high-quality dance education, they are contributing to the cultural vibrancy of Oxfordshire and inspiring the next generation of dancers and choreographers.

But it's not just about the impact they have on the local community. Intune's toddler classes are also helping to shape the lives of young children, nurturing their curiosity and love for dance and movement. Who knows, one of these toddlers may grow up to be a world-renowned dancer or choreographer, leaving their mark on the world of dance.

Join the Enchantment

If you are looking for a way to introduce your child to the world of dance, or if you are a dance enthusiast looking for a new challenge, Intune Dance and Movement is the perfect place for you.

Their experienced and passionate teachers, inclusive atmosphere, and commitment to excellence make them one of the best dance schools in Oxfordshire.

They are currently offering discounted trial classes for new students. This is the perfect opportunity to experience the enchantment of dance and see for yourself why Intune is the right choice for you and your family.

Join the enchantment today and discover the magic of dance.

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Intune Dance and Movement Ltd, 11465833, 3.11 Hollinwood Business Centre, Albert Street, Hollinwood, OL8 3QL