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Mindful Movement: Intune's New Yoga Classes for Kids in Lechlade

August 12, 2023

At Intune, our commitment to movement and artistic expression reaches far beyond dance. Today, I'm delighted to announce our newest yoga classes for children aged 5-8. We're bringing these classes to Lechlade, Gloucestershire. Join us at the Lechlade Memorial Hall every Monday, from 3:45 to 4:30pm.

Drawing inspiration from our dance classes, our yoga sessions in Lechlade are equally charged with passion and inspiration. Through a blend of yoga traditions and imaginative storytelling, we aspire to kindle the same zest in our junior yogis. With our dedicated yoga instructor's guidance, children will not just learn yoga techniques, but will also be transported into imaginative realms, fostering mindfulness and relaxation.

True to the ethos of Intune, every yoga session is an engaging blend of fun activities and techniques. As always, each child’s individuality is cherished and recognized.

As we embark on this new yoga journey in Lechlade, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us. to create moments of inspiration and calm for your child.

Moments of Mindfulness for Tiny Explorers

At Intune, we deeply acknowledge the transformative essence of mindfulness, especially on young, evolving minds. Our yoga sessions in Lechlade introduce the little ones to body scans, fostering a deep connection to their own feelings and sensations.

Our carefully crafted activities act as moments for introspection, engendering a sense of wonder and curiosity. Through these combined practices, we aim not only to bolster self-awareness but also to cultivate a profound bond with the surrounding world.

With these moments of mindfulness, our goal is to gift young participants tools that will enrich their daily routines with serenity, focus, and self-realisation.

yoga classes in lechlade, gloucestershire

Yoga’s Rich Tapestry: Why Your Child Benefits

The positive impacts of yoga and mindfulness extend well beyond the class's duration. At Intune, we champion these techniques as holistic tools for a harmonious life.

Introducing your child to our yoga classes can unlock many benefits, from physical agility to improved concentration and emotional resilience. Mindfulness, in tandem, offers a solid foundation, helping them deal with life's challenges.

Incorporating these practices can usher in improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and a heightened sense of the present.

With yoga and mindfulness, we’re gifting them life skills, preparing them to shine, both during sessions and beyond.

Join Lechlade's Yoga Adventure for Children!

Considering integrating yoga and mindfulness into your child’s life?

We're excited to welcome new faces and to make it even easier, we're offering a special discounted two-week trial class.

1. Q: My child has never tried yoga before. Is it suitable for beginners?

A: Absolutely! Our classes are tailored for children of all levels, including complete beginners. The sessions are designed to be welcoming and encouraging, allowing each child to progress at their own pace. The primary goal is to foster a love for movement, mindfulness, and self-awareness, rather than perfecting any particular pose.

2. Q: Will my child get enough physical activity during a yoga class? I'm concerned it might be too slow-paced.

A: Yoga for children is a dynamic blend of movement, stretching, and play. While it does incorporate moments of stillness and relaxation, a significant portion of the class is dedicated to active poses and sequences that help improve strength, flexibility, and coordination. Your child will undoubtedly get their heart rate up and enjoy a good amount of physical activity.

3. Q: How can yoga benefit my child outside of just physical activity?

A: Beyond the physical aspects, yoga offers a plethora of benefits for the mind and emotions. Regular practice can enhance concentration, promote better sleep, reduce anxieties, and foster emotional resilience. By learning to connect breath with movement, children also gain tools to navigate stress and challenging situations in their daily lives.

4. Q: I'm worried my child might feel out of place or shy. How do you ensure each child feels included?

A: At Intune, individuality is celebrated. Our experienced instructors are trained to foster an inclusive environment where every child feels seen and supported. We incorporate group activities and partner poses that promote camaraderie and teamwork, ensuring each child feels a sense of belonging and connection.

5. Q: Are the instructors qualified to teach children?

A: Absolutely. Our yoga teachers are not only trained in the discipline of yoga but also have specific training in teaching children. They are equipped with techniques to ensure classes are safe, engaging, and age-appropriate. Additionally, all our teachers undergo background checks to ensure the utmost safety for your child.

We understand that choosing an activity for your child requires careful consideration. If you have any more questions or would like to discuss further, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to help and excited to welcome your child into our yoga community!

This is a golden opportunity to embark on a transformative voyage with Intune. Contact us today and pave the path for a well-rounded, peaceful future for your child.

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